Thursday, October 24, 2013

Township of Langley's Proposed 2014 Capital Budget Graphic

The Township of Langley is getting started at putting together the proposed 2014 capital budget for the community. At the latest Council Priorities Meeting, Council got a first look at the proposed budget. The capital budget is a $375 page document. As they say, you can miss the forest for the trees.

I decided to take all the information and create two graphs. One graph shows the Township’s proposed capital spending by function, the other graph shows the Township’s proposed capital spending by funding source.

While the functional spending is for the most part self-explanatory, the functional group Fiscal is the Township’s fund for general land purchasing and is also a contingency fund.

Proposed 2014 Township of Langley Capital Budget by Function. Click Graph to View.

To explain funding sources:
-Operating comes directly from taxation
-Developer Cost Charges is a fee the Township charges developers when building a new project
-Reserves are special account that the Township contributes to every year, but only gets used for clearly defined purposes. When the Township doesn’t spend its budget, the difference between the actual and budgeted can be used in a future year; this is a Surplus.
-Other comes from external funding sources like TransLink or Metro Vancouver.

Proposed 2014 Township of Langley Capital Budget by Funding Source. Click Graph to View.

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