Thursday, September 5, 2013

Upcoming events on sustainable transportation

With the potential referendum on transit expansion funding about a year away, many people and organizations are starting to get information out about the benefits of transit and a multi-modal transportation system. SFU is hosting two events on transportation and transit in the coming months that I believe are worth attending.

The first event is put on by SFU Carbon Talks and is aptly named “Running Campaigns, Winning Votes.

With the clock ticking, and few public details about the 2014 transportation referendum, this is an opportunity to enter into a dialogue about what has worked, and what hasn't in past referendum votes and ballot initiatives. Join us to hear from three seasoned campaigners about effective strategies and lessons learned.

One of the panellist at this event will be Denny Zane who created Move LA in 2007 to bring together business, NGOs, labour, and environmental leaders to help lead the campaign for the Measure R sales tax which is a voter-approved sales tax in Los Angles that is funding transit expansion.

When: Tuesday, September 24 from 1:00 - 2:30PM
Where: SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings St., Room 1700
Registration: Seating for this free event is limited, please register to attend
Note: The event will also be webcast

The next event will be taking place during the month of October and is called “Moving In Metro: A discussion on mobility pricing.

Metro Vancouver is a region that relies on many modes of transportation to keep its economy, and its people moving; from trucks to trains to cars to bicycles. Being able to move around our cities is critical for transporting goods, accommodating jobs and population growth, building strong and vibrant communities, and connecting with our partners in the region and elsewhere. But how do we pay for our transportation system in a way that is fair and transparent and provides for our current and future needs?

SFU will be holding the event in Surrey on October 22 and in Langley on October 29. Registration information can be found on that event’s webpage.

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