Monday, January 21, 2013

5th Annual SCARP Student Symposium

I received the following from my friend Robert White who is in the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) at UBC. I thought I'd pass this along as the symposium will focus on urban issues outside of regional cores and hopefully will focus on places like Surrey, Delta, and Langley.


Vancouver, BC – The Planning Students Association at the University of British Columbia's School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) announce the 5th annual SCARP Student Symposium, which will take place on the UBC Vancouver campus Friday, February 8, 2013.

The 2013 Symposium, which aims to bring together planning practitioners, students, business owners, developers, and engaged citizens, will be focused on topics around 'Beyond Downtown & Outside the Box'.

With the overwhelming majority of population growth taking place in suburban areas the need for a modern take on suburban design has become critical. Innovative planning and design ideas are needed to move towards sustainability across British Columbia and beyond. At the UBC SCARP Student Symposium, we will explore fresh new ideas to guide and revitalize our urban, rural, and first nations communities in the years to come.

We're excited to welcome our keynote speakers Ellen Dunham-Jones, co-author of Retrofitting Suburbia: Urban Design Solutions for Redesigning Suburbs, and Patrick Stewart, the first Aboriginal architect to become President of the Architectural Institute of BC. They'll be joined by a panel of local leaders in the community planning sector including Vancouver's Brian Jackson, Surrey's Jean Lamontagne, Coquitlam's Jim McIntyre, and New Westminster's Lisa Spitale.

To register and find more information including a schedule of panel sessions, visit the Symposium website.

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