Monday, September 17, 2012

Change coming to Langley Mall in Downtown Langley

The largest parking lot in Downtown Langley is at the Casino and the second largest parking lot is at the Langley Mall. It looks like that parking lot might get smaller because First Capital Reality, who owns the mall, is looking at redeveloping a small section of the site. According to the latest council package, the company is looking at adding 3,100 sq. feet of office and/or retail, plus a coffee shop to the 1970’s strip mall. The City of Langley has identified the mall site for “significant redevelopment opportunities” as part of its Downtown Master Plan. I hope this proposed addition to the northwest corner of the site will be true to the spirit of the plan. I know that the last coffee shop in the Downtown Zone (Starbucks at Valley Centre) has a drive thru which does create a good public realm, so let’s hope this trend doesn't continue at Langley Mall. I haven’t seen a render of this proposed addition, but I will post one as soon as I can get my hands on one.

The 1970’s Langley Mall in the Heart of Downtown Langley

First Capital Reality owns mostly strip malls in BC, but they do operate the mixed-use development at New Westminster SkyTrian. The Langley Mall site has huge development potential as a mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly node in the Downtown core and I really hope that City council won’t allow anything less.

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