Friday, July 27, 2012

More Metro Vancouver Water coming to Langley Township

Earlier this year, Township of Langley council threatened to leave Metro Vancouver due to Metro’s opposition to Trinity Western University’s University District. As I suspected, this was nothing more than saber rattling as council has authorized $36.2m to be spent to connect eastern Langley to Metro Vancouver’s water system.

Current Water System in East Langley

Right now the eastern section of Langley which includes Salmon River/Uplands, Aldergrove, and Gloucester Industrial Estates gets its water from Township run wells from groundwater. As the aquifers are starting to run on empty, the Township needs to connect up to Metro Vancouver’s water system to sustain the current water system. Also by connecting to Metro’s water system, the Township will be able to put the Aldergrove Plan in action that aims to increase density in the area. Right now the ground water system is a limiting factor to its success.

Whether the Township likes it or not, Metro Vancouver provides the only sustainable source of water in the region which means that Metro and the Township must work together to resolve their difference instead of threatening each other.

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