Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What Mayor and Council makes in Township of Langley

Last week I posted about how elected officials in the City of Langley are not riding the gravy train. This week the Township of Langley released its 2011 financial remuneration report. It appears that mayor and council in the Township are not on that train either. One of the things that has been getting to me lately is how people really undervalue the work that councils and municipal staff do. They believe that everyone should be making minimum wage. If you want a well run municipality with bright people in charge, you'll need to provide a fair compensation package. Otherwise those bright people will just stay in the private sector. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

What they made in 2011...
Froese, Jack (Mayor) $6,804
Green, Rick (Mayor) $98,244

Bateman, Jordan (Councillor) $23,993
Davis, David (Councillor) $2,475
Dornan, Bev (Councillor) $42,057
Ferguson, Steve (Councillor) $43,071
Fox, Charlie (Councillor) $39,496
Kositsky, Melvin (Councillor) $43,190
Long, Bob (Councillor) $49,250
Richter, Kim (Councillor) $45,154
Sparrow, Michelle (Councillor) $3,310
Ward, Grant (Councillor) $47,271

Total: $443,955 or 0.2% of all 2011 operating expenses

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