Monday, June 11, 2012

Township of Langley Senior's Advisory Committee?

I was reading over tonight’s meeting schedule for the Township of Langley Council and came across a resolution to setup a senior’s advisory committee. This motion was a direct result of a CARP event that was held earlier in May.

Whereas Langley Township has a Youth Advisory Committee to advise Council on matters of importance to young people in our communities; and

Whereas seniors in our community are a growing and equally important groups as well;

Therefore be it resolved that Council support the formation of a Seniors Advisory Committee to Langley Township Council to provide Council with input and advice on issues of importance to seniors in the Township, to ensure that Langley becomes an outstanding, age friendly community.

I understand the reason for creating a youth advisory committee as young people are usually underrepresented in political and civic issues, but I do know that the seniors population is very active in politics and I don’t think are underrepresented. What I do think is important is that a highly-focused committee looks at how our build form, transportation network, and civic services might need to change to accommodate an aging population and point out areas of improvement needed in the Township. I have a feeling that there are many seniors or almost seniors that don’t even know what services to expect from a municipality as they age and a senior's committee could be a voice for them. It will be interesting to see if this motion proceeds.

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