Wednesday, March 28, 2012

2012 Township Budget - Spending Priorities

I was reading the afternoon Township of Langley Council Meeting agenda and came across the results from the public consultation on the Township's 2012 - 2016 Financial Plan. One of the questions asked was what "the top three programs/services residents would like to see improvements or increases in services, combined with the top three local issues facing the Township over the next five years." The results are:

1.) Agriculture and Equestrian Centre 11
2.) South Langley Regional Trail 8
3.) Aldergrove Recreation Facility 1
4.) Multi Use Arts Centre/Theatre 0

I hope council doesn't consider feedback from 11 people as broad support for an Agriculture and Equestrian Centre in the Township that doesn't benefit the majority of urban residents in Langley.

I also looked through the list of "top 3 programs/services where would you like to see services reduced or eliminated to reduce taxes". It was interesting that most of the comments focused on cutting council's pay, reducing "fat", or cutting parks, recreation, and culture programs which is interesting because people also answered that parks, recreation, and culture programs were important to expand when asked what the "3 most important local issues facing the Township of Langley over the next 5 years" are. Improving transit service was also high on the list. This shows me that people really want improved service, but don't want to pay for it.

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