Monday, December 12, 2011

Langley in Progress - Part Two

A month ago, I posted about Langley in Progress which is the Township of Langley's document that outlines development activity. I originally posted that it was compiled monthly, but it turns out that it's only released quarterly. Our very own Joe Zaccaria will appear before council this afternoon to put forward a Notice of Motion regarding the Langley in Progress publication. I will keep you posted on council's reaction.

Whereas “Langley in Progress” is the single most significant publication produced by the Township of Langley, that details development activity in the Township of Langley;

Whereas “Langley in Progress” is currently released on only a quarterly basis, while the “Building Statistics Report” is released on a monthly basis;

Whereas substantial revisions and debates can occur by the time a proposed development reaches the Council table and is reported in “Langley in Progress” document; and

Whereas transparency and public engagement is paramount to our future growth;

Therefore be it resolved that Council instruct relevant staff to compile and publically distribute “Langley in Progress” on a monthly basis and in tandem with the publication of the “Building Statistics Report”.

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