Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Transit Spending: Langley vs. Abbotsford

To follow up to last week's post about transportation funding in Langley, I thought it would be good to compare Langley to a community like Abbotsford that "goes-it-alone".

If we forget about road improvements in 2010 Langley received $16.2 million in transit service. In 2010, Abbotsford received $8.1 million in transit service.

$124.19 per person is spent on transit in Langley.
$58.45 per person is spent on transit in Abbotsford.

I know there has been a call from some in the South of Fraser to start our own transit agency. I don't see the benefit. Metro Vancouver has the best transit service in the province and our mode share data shows that. More people use transit in Langley Township than Abbotsford because as a region we a care about providing transportation choice and as a region we are able to lobby seniors levels of government to find ways to improve transit. If we created a South of Fraser transit agency, we would have less transit dollars, would have worse transit service, and would have a weaker voice.

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