Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Expo Line Upgrade Strategy

If you're like me, and there is a good chance if you're reading this blog, you are a bit of a transit geek. I was browsing through TransLink's website and came across a document called Expo Line Upgrade Strategy. While it is interesting to see what the future may hold for the Expo Line, I was particularly interested in the stats about the line.

Estimated Maximum Demand versus Line Capacity. Click Image to Enlarge.

While looking at the previous graph, it's easy to see that Commercial-Broadway is the busiest station in the system. It also has the most pass-ups.

Observed Pass-Ups in April 2009 and September 2009. Click Image to Enlarge.

While reviewing the report, I found that it makes no mention about how the new fare gates affect the system and will actually reduce the people per hour that can access the system. Stations like Metrotown have to be complete redesigned because of this. It's not very often that a transit agency installs something that reduces the capacity of the system. The total package of upgrades in the report totals about $1.1 billion. This is a hefty price tag and does not expand access to the system in places like Surrey.

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