Tuesday, November 15, 2011

202nd Street Park and Ride

Yesterday, I talked about how the Carvolth business park area in the Township of Langley may be transformed because of the construction of the new 202nd Street Park and Ride. I thought I'd share some more information on the Park and Ride. I took these pictures of the new underpass that will connect 88th Avenue to the Park and Ride a few weeks ago.

Park and Ride lot under consturction

Looking South from 88th Avenue

According to the Ministry of Transportation, the Park and Ride will:
-Have up to 800 parking spaces
-HOV/transit‐only on- and off-ramps to and from Highway 1, connecting to the Park and Ride and 86 Avenue via 202 Street
-An HOV/transit‐only connection from 88 Avenue to Highway 1 and the Park and Ride
-Relocated Transit Exchange ‐ The existing exchange at 200 Street will be relocated to 202 Street, allowing for more parking spaces and improved access to Highway 1 and the Golden Ears Bridge for buses
-A new pedestrian and cyclist trail connected to the Langley trail system.

202 Street Park and Ride Design

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