Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No cat bylaw for the City of Langley

In June, I posted about how some people believe it is time for a cat bylaw in Langley due to the risk cats cause to the environment. The City of Langley's Parks and Environment Advisory Committee even past a resolution to have the City investigate cat control . It appears that a  cat bylaw is dead in the water. According to a staff report:

The City of Langley does not have an existing bylaw regulating the keeping of cats. Based on a review of available information there does not appear to be a need for the City to consider such bylaw. The City could through its public information services, including LEPS, encourage pet owners (cats as well as dogs) to spay and neuter their pets.

At this stage, staff recommend that Council receives this report for information only and no further action to be taken.

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