Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Regional Growth Strategy Update

Back in March, all municipalities in the region signed on to the new regional growth strategy except for Coquitlam. In order to resolve the conflict, the province sent Metro Vancouver and Coquitlam to a non-binding resolution process. So far meetings have been held on June 14, 16, and 29. The next meeting is scheduled for:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011 12:00 – 5:00 p.m., Metro Vancouver Board Room, 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby

The meeting is open to the public. What will be interesting is if the parties will come to an agreement today. Coquitlam's main concern seems to be that the plan has special study areas of which Coquitlam has none.

Click Map to Enlarge
Special study areas allow for the change of regional land use with a 2/3 majority of the Metro Vancouver Board instead of basically rewriting the growth plan. While many may see special study areas as a way to short-circuit the growth plan, I can't see how. It still requires 2/3 majority voting plus public hearings. It don't think that places like Langley, Surrey or West Vancouver will be able to pull a fast one.

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