Friday, June 10, 2011

TransLink and Property Tax

I was reading the 2010 Annual Report for the City of Langley and came across the amount of money from property tax that goes to TransLink. I decided to look up the latest annual reports for the City of Surrey, Township of Langley, and Corporation of Delta as well. Sadly Delta's annual report did not contain information on TransLink, but the other annual reports did.

Property Tax Paid to TransLink
City of Langley (2010): $2,914,538
Township of Langley (2010): $12,407,000
City of Surrey (2009): $37,057,000

In 2010, TransLink received $286,977,810 from property tax. South of Fraser ratepayers account for about 25% of TransLink's property tax revenue, so at the end of the day the sub-region is not paying for Vancouver's transit by any stretch. One interesting thing that I'd like to point out is that the City of Langley seems to be getting a better transit deal than the Township of Langley. The City of Langley is on the frequent transit network while there are no buses in the Township on the frequent transit network.

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