Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Roberts Bank Corridor Project - 196th Street Update

Back in January, the City of Langley held an open house about a new street, 196th, that was being built as part of the Roberts Bank Corridor Overpass Program. The original plan got many of the residents along the right-of-way upset because their yards which used to back into a  wooded area with a trail is being replaced with a noisy road.

Listening to neighbourhood concerns, the project planners changed the cross-section of 196th Street from

196th Street Old Cross-section
196th Street - New Cross-section
The east sidewalk was removed to allow for the retention of trees that would have been removed. Also, many of the residents where concern about noise from the pedestrian/trail connection and some even wanted it removed. I'm very happy that the connection is still there and that a berm will be installed to visually and aurally buffer the residents from 196th Street.

196th Street/53rd Avenue Pedestrian Amenities
I still have a call in to whether this connection will accommodate cyclists and will report back as soon as I find out. You can also download a full map called "The 10 Point Plan" which points out all the design features meant to reduce the impact on the community.

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