Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last OnTrax Meeting Ever

Next Tuesday, April 19th will be the last meeting of South Fraser OnTrax. The board of directors of South Fraser OnTrax met and has decided that moving forward, we wish to change our approach to advocacy. We have chosen to focus almost exclusively on online public engagement. Our work has been greatly advanced by social networking and other technology mediums. We plan to focus our attention, efforts and volunteer efforts on this online presence. To that end, we are hoping you will be able to join us on:

Date: Tuesday, April 19
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Place: Township of Langley Civic Facility, 4th Floor
20338-65 Avenue, Langley
Yorkson Creek Meeting Room

We have the pleasure of hosting John Schnablegger from the Ministry of Transportation who will be speaking on the current and future public transit plans for Metro Vancouver. Once construction is complete on the South Fraser Perimeter Road and Port Mann/Highway One, the Ministry will be almost exclusively working on public transportation projects in our region.

I hope you can make it to our last meeting.

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