My friend Dan Burden has said many times that bike lanes actually do more for the motoring public than for cyclists. I'ver never had the time to research that statement, but I do trust Dan 100% and value his work very highly. Dan has said that out of the 22 benefits of bike lanes, only two are for the cyclist.
Yesterday while catching up on my reading I accessed this information and was amazed! So, while all those folks in Vancouver and elsewhere have spoken out and detest bike lanes. take a look at what they do for ALL of us, including car drivers:
(A) Safety--highways with paved shoulders have reduced accident rates, as paved shoulders:
1. Provide space to make evasive maneuvers;
2. Accommodate driver error;
3. Add a recovery area to regain control of a vehicle;
4. Provide space for disabled vehicles;
5. Provide increased sight distance for through vehicles and for vehicles entering the roadway (in cut sections or brushy areas in rural areas, and in urban areas with many sight obstructions);
6. Provide lateral clearance to roadside objects such as guardrail, signs and poles;
7. Contribute to driving ease and reduced driver strain;
8. Reduce passing conflicts between motor vehicles and bicyclists and pedestrians;
9. Make the crossing pedestrian more visible to motorists; and
10. Provide for storm water discharge farther from the travel lanes, reducing hydroplaning. This also reduces splash and spray to following vehicles and nearby pedestrians and bicyclists.
(B) Capacity--highways with paved shoulders can carry more traffic, as paved shoulders:
11. Provide more intersection and safe stopping sight distance;
12. Allow for easier exiting from travel lanes to side streets and roads (also a safety benefit);
13. Provide greater effective turning radius for trucks;
14. Provide space for off-tracking of truck's rear wheels in curved sections;
15. Provide space for disabled vehicles, mail delivery and bus stops;
16. Provide space for bicyclists to ride at their own pace;
17. Provide space between motor vehicles and pedestrians, increasing pedestrians level of comfort
(C) Maintenance--highways with paved shoulders are easier to maintain, as paved shoulders:
18. Provide structural support to the pavement;
19. Discharge water further from the travel lanes, reducing the undermining of the base and subgrade;
20. Provide space for maintenance operations and snow storage;
21. Provide space for portable maintenance signs;
22. Facilitate painting of fog lines.
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