Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Next Meeting

At South Fraser OnTrax, we are changing our meetings structure for 2011. This year we will be focusing on preparing a report that will be looking at land-use in the South of the Fraser and its effect on sustainability. We believe that our sub-region is at a cross-road and we are planning to release this important report in August. Our first brain storming season will be:

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011
Place: Township of Langley Civic Facility, 4th Floor
20338-65 Avenue, Langley
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Room: Yorkson Creek Meeting Room

Please bring your ideas, skills, and willingness to help; we’ll bring the post-it notes. We will also be having a few of our regular keynote speaker meetings as well through the year and will be sure to keep you in the loop. Please RSVP is you plan on attending our brainstorming season by Monday, February 14th to info@sfot.info or if you have any questions.

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