Friday, February 25, 2011

More on roads

Last Friday, I posted about how many people consider car insurance a user-fee like tolling and I pointed out that this was not the case. Anyway, I said that “provincial highways are a drop in the bucket when you consider that in Metro Vancouver you can count the provincial roads on one hand”. I found the 10 Year Servicing Plan from Surrey’s Engineering Department which really drives the point that while the province can build mega-road projects, it won’t help most people at the end of the day. In Surrey, 85km or 4% of roads are within provincial jurisdiction while 1972km of roads are under local jurisdiction.

On Wednesday, I talked about how cities need to embrace non-auto transportation simply because there is no more room for roads as population growth continues to explode. The following map shows the road expansion plans for Surrey out to 2019.

Select Map to Enlarge

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