Saturday, January 29, 2011

Please Help the Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS) NOW!

Hat tip to Township Councillor Kim Richter for alerting us to the fact that our very own Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS) is currently in 5th Place for a Pepsi Refresh Project Grant. Until February 28th you can vote for LAPS right here and click the "VOTE FOR THIS IDEA" button.

If they are successful in winning First Place ($100K), they will use it as follows:

Please VOTE, TELL all your friends and post the link from the site to your FACEBOOK and TWITTER accounts. Let's help LAPS achieve these very worthy goals that hugely benefit LANGLEY!

Go to the site and also check out this video here to learn more about what LAPS is doing in our community of Langley.

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