Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Evergreen Line - Public Consultation

With little fanfare, the Evergreen Line line has finished its public consultation and design period. Starting this year, it will move into construction. All that remains to do is select a contractor and wait for the Environmental Assessment Office to approve the Evergreen Line application. (I don't think a project has ever been turned down by the EAO). The province is already buying up property and relocating tenants, though according to Minister Shirley Bond, the province won't issue any eviction notices just yet. This is great for a project that is only 2/3 funded.

Anyway, the Evergreen Line Project Office has released the last public consultation report on station area design. And what did people want? Parking!
As was reflected in feedback gathered during Preliminary Design Consultation in October-November 2009, participants continued to raise the issue of parking at stations and along the Evergreen Line corridor.

Parking was of particular concern for the areas in the vicinity of Port Moody Central Station, Lougheed Town Centre Station and Coquitlam Central Station.
-67% of respondents indicated they would like to see expanded parking in the vicinity of Coquitlam Central Station
-57% wanted expanded parking in the vicinity of Port Moody Central Station
-52% wanted park and ride facilities provided near Douglas College Station

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