Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Picture of the Day

When I talk to and listen to people from the "other" side of the river about the South of the Fraser, I usually hear things like "the suburb's suck," "there are apartments in Langley?!", "there is nothings to do", "you can walk to the grocery store?!", etc. There is also this notion that the region revolves around the City of Vancouver and that the vast majority of people in the South of the Fraser work in Vancouver.

When you look at the stats, you will see that Metro Vancouver doesn't have a central city/suburbs travel or a built pattern. We have a collection nodes. From a purely travel standpoint, Burnaby, Richmond, and the North Shore could be considered a suburb of Vancouver; and Langley could be considered a suburb of Surrey, but that is a stretch.

Anyway, I'm going to start posting picture from around the South of Fraser from time to time hopefully educating those that may be ignorant about life in my part of this region. The following picture is of people lined up at a bus stop in Fort Langley during the annual Cranberry Festival last weekend. Yep, there's things to do and people that take transit out here!

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