Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Letter to MP Mark Warawa

To follow up to yesterday's post and reply on the federal government effectively killing the 2nd Amtrak train, South Fraser OnTrax has sent the following letter. You can download a PDF copy if you like.
Dear Mr. Mark Warawa

South Fraser OnTrax is a Langley based sustainable communities and transportation advocacy group whose members live in your riding. It has come to our attention that the federal government said it would now require Washington State Department of Transportation to pay nearly $550,000 a year for border-clearance services for a second Amtrak train which was added late in 2009. This money would cover additional staffing by the Canada Border Services Agency for the 10:50 p.m. second-train arrival. The US federal government is now spending $590 million to improve rail service in this corridor, and the BC provincial government has spent $2.98 million to enable improved rail service for some 26,837 people in 2009. The second train has brought an estimated $11.8 million in economic benefits to British Columbia during the year it has been allowed to operate.

We request that the federal government work with the Province of British Columbia and Washington State to reduce or eliminate the border-clearance fees.

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