Thursday, September 9, 2010

GHG Emissions per Capita

Canadians tend to think of ourselves as green. What we think of ourselves and what is reality are completely different. Looking at a table about green house gasses (GHG) emissions per capita, Canada is pretty much tied with the United States with GHG emissions at 22.6 tonnes per capita per year.

I always asked myself why we are so close to the US when we live in more compact and more urban settings than are American friends. According to Environment Canada, about 20% of GHG emissions are caused by the the oil, gas, and coal industries in Canada. If we removed these sources of GHG, we would be tided with New Zealand at 18.08 tonnes per capita. The UK produces 10.6 tonnes of GHG emissions per capita per year. Of course we have lots to do as transportation is the number one contributor to GHG emissions in Canada, but it is interesting to note that Canada's urban centers are masking the GHG emissions from oil and gas. Other oil producing nations like the United Arab Emirates produce 38.8 tonnes of GHG emissions per capita.

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