Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pricing Driving

So in another example of how pricing changes peoples habits, I found this interesting poll at Ipsos: One half (50%) of Ontario drivers say they’ll do less driving due to HST on gas. Many Ontarians say they’re likely to walk (32%), ride a bike (16%), use public transit (12%) and carpool (12%) more often.

In another related story it looks like transit is shaping up to be a major issue in the Ottawa municipal elections this fall (just like it is in Toronto) according to the Ottawa Sun:
Ottawa residents believe transit is the top issue at City Hall as the municipal election approaches.

Results of an exclusive Leger Marketing poll commissioned by the Ottawa Sun show 32% of respondents believe transit and the light-rail project should be top of mind for elected representatives.

Taxes finished a distant second with 16%, followed by Lansdowne Park at 6% and poverty and homelessness issues at 2%.
I find it interesting that time after time transit comes up as top issue on peoples minds at the local level in Canada, but action on transit infrastructure tends to be glacial at times.

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