Friday, August 27, 2010

News Update

Let's start our news journey off today with the Hamilton Spectator which has a story titled, "Light rail beats buses hands down: planners."
Urban planners and economists say buses can't compete with trains when it comes to economic renewal.

Laying down a rail track is proof a city is progressive and takes growth seriously. Advocates say more people with a choice about how to travel will get on trains.

He says Ottawa's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system has been a great success from a transit perspective, but it hasn't led to economic development.
The City of Hamilton has been pushing for light rail instead of bus rapid transit in their community.

In Ottawa, the city has received environmental assessment approval on their plan to transform the community from bus central to light rail central. According to the Ottawa Citizen:
It’s full steam ahead for Ottawa’s LRT, says Mayor Larry O’Brien, following the McGuinty government’s acceptance of the environmental assessment on the multi-billlion dollar transit project.

“Environmental assessment approval is a major milestone for this critical project,” Mayor Larry O’Brien said Tuesday.
Finally News 1130 has a story on TransLink's seven new rail cars for the West Coast Express:
The unveiling has some people south of the Fraser feeling a little left out. South Fraser On Trax is a non-partisan group of locals who really want light rail transit for the south Fraser area.

Nathan Pachall works with the group and says "I think everyone here is just eagerly waiting. I think the hardest thing of course is that Translink is broke, so until that gets sorted out we know there is going be spending for half the transit improvements out in the south Fraser."
Have a great weekend!

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