Friday, May 28, 2010

A two day summit or transit for 100 years?

If you've been following this blog, you know that Toronto's Transit City Program which would have built $9 billion in light rail was slashed to $4 billion by the Ontario provincial government. You may also be aware that the federal government is spending $1.1 billion on the upcoming G8/G20 Summit's security which is more then our entire Vancouver Olympic Security budget! This has one city mayor a bit upset according to the Toronto Star:
“Would we use $1 billion to build a Finch LRT (light rail transit) to serve the neediest people in Toronto, to create 10,000 jobs, to build public transit for 100 years, or would we use it for security for a two-day event in Toronto?

“If they can spend a billion dollars on a 36-hour event, there is money in the federal and provincial treasury to build Transit City, to build it now; there’s money to meet our other priorities like affordable housing,” Miller said.

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