Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rationalizing Transit

In a bit of positive news, it appears that the Olympics has really opened people up to the idea of taking public transit. According to TransLink, March saw a 19% increase in ridership over March 2009. SkyTrain saw a 70.6% increase, SeaBus saw a 18.9% increase, and buses ridership grew at the rate of 2.5%. It is not surprising as choice riders don't take buses.

Speaking of buses, according to News 1130 the majority of the new March riders are from South Surrey and White Rock. This is a bit ironic considering that cash-strapped TransLink is "rationalizing" transit service, giving more bus service to overcrowd routes and less service to under-preforming route. According to the Delta Optimist:
Civic politicians are concerned TransLink may be planning to reduce bus service between South Delta and the Canada Line station in Richmond.

The transportation authority's plan to control costs has made that scenario a possibility, according to municipal staff, which told Delta council TransLink hasn't made clear how it intends to meet its cost savings goal.

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