Monday, April 5, 2010


The City of Langley currently has a cardboard recycling centre for its residents. This centre will be closing later this month. Many businesses, many not from Langley, were using the centre to dump their cardboard instead of paying for recycling service. The City’s contact was for pickup once a week and currently they are doing pickups every day. This is a big expense. Given the fact that in Langley City all residents have curb-side recycling, this is not a big deal. Businesses that were taking advantage of this free lunch will now have to purchase recycling service. In Langley City, businesses will have the opportunity to purchase recycling services from Emterra Environmental.

Emterra will be offering single-stream recycling for businesses in Langley City. This is a first in Metro Vancouver and should make it easy for businesses to recycle more than the standard cardboard boxes. Giving the fact that the following laundry list of items are banned from the garbage, this is a very good thing.
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Newsprint
  • Office paper
  • Gypsum drywall
  • Yard & garden waste
  • Beverage containers (except milk)
  • Blue box recyclables
  • Lead-acid (car) batteries
  • Medications/pharmaceuticals
  • Paint, solvents, flammable liquids, gasoline & pesticides
  • Vehicle tires
  • Oil, oil filters and empty containers
  • Electronic waste including personal computers, printers & TVs
Also in exciting new, Metro Vancouver is thinking of setting up something called EcoCentres throughout the region; one for every 100,000 people. These centres would accept items that cannot be put in the standard curb-side recycling and can’t be thrown in the garbage. Right now it can be confusing to figure out where you have to drop of banned items. This one-stop shop will be a welcome change to the multiply locations that one must travel to today when dropping off banned items.

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