Thursday, April 22, 2010

City of Langley Sustainability Study - Questionnaire

One of our blog readers, Jeff, pointed out that the City of Langley's sustainability website has a questionnaire as part of the consultation process they a undertaking. Here is one of the questions:
8. Please indicate the priority you feel the City of Langley should give to the following reduction initiatives for transportation:

a.) Promote consumer purchase of the most fuel efficient vehicle to meet transportation needs.

b.)Continue to improve public transit infrastructure, such as public transit shelters.

c.)Construct transit priority measures, such as H.O.V. lanes and transit signals.

d.)Work with senior government to improve regional transit (e.g. light rail projects).

e.)Continue to invest in bicycle lanes, cyclist controlled signals and bicycle parking.
I know that option (d) and (e) will be at the top of my list. If you are a residents or owner of property in the City of Langley, please take this survey.

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