Friday, April 30, 2010

Active Transportation

While Nathan is touring around Europe, you have the extreme pleasure of hearing my two cents. I do hear that Nathan will stop in Scotland and I just want to let him know that if he accesses the blog while eating sheep guts all is well here mate. Just don't let those Scots convince you that kilts are really not skirts!

Kelly Davis of The Health Express took time out to email me a link to her blog and some excellent TED video lectures on healthcare. As I learned from attending the Active Transportation session last week (and I do plan to blog more about that when I get the slides), public health leaders are taking time to provide more input into community planning, transportation and related matters. So, it is appropriate that we learn more about that health connection.

Click here for the 10 incredible TED lectures on health care list courtesy of The Health Express. While all these are well done, I particularly liked the "Take Health Care Off The Mainframe" lecture. Health care built around home-based solutions that are personal and networked, now how cool would that be?

I grew up in the States where our entire state had less than 1 million people. I'm not ancient, but just before my teen years I can recall visits from our family doctor on a Sunday at our home. If one of us was really sick on a weekend, he would come to us and provide a quick check-up while you lay in your own bed. After giving you orders and a prescription if required, my Mom would then feed him and his wife before they dashed off. There was never any charge for these home visits, and people certainly socialized during the whole exercise. Now that's networking!

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