Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Child and Youth Friendly Land-Use and Transport Planning - Part 2

Last year we posted about Child and Youth Friendly Land-Use and Transport Planning. Anyway, we received the following in our South Fraser OnTrax Mailbox:
Over the last few years, the Centre for Sustainable Transportation at the University of Winnipeg has been developing ‘Child- and Youth-Friendly Guidelines for Land-use and Transport Planning.’ The Guidelines are primarily for the use of municipalities, specifically councillors, their planning staff and consultants. This work is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, whose interest is in fostering environments in which children and youth are more active.

The aim is to have one set of Guidelines for all of Canada, but a different Guidelines document for each province, reflecting particular circumstances and legislative contexts. Each provincial document is being developed through a process of consultation, including numerous meetings with officials, sharing of drafts, and one or more workshops.

This is a note to let you and your colleagues know that a new, near-final draft (Draft 5) of the British Columbia version of Child- and Youth Friendly Land-Use and Transport Planning Guidelines can be downloaded from the project’s Web site at http://www.kidsonthemove.ca (click on BC in the list on the right of the home page). There is more information about the project at the Web site. If there is difficulty in downloading the document, contact me at mail@richardgilbert.ca and I will be pleased to email the document.

Our deadline for producing all the provincial documents is March 31, 2010, and so we would appreciate receiving comments by March 12.

Our last task will be to produce a brief bilingual document entitled ‘Canadian Guidelines for Child- and Youth-Friendly Land-use and Transport Planning.’

With many thanks in advance for your cooperation,

Richard Gilbert
Research Associate
Centre for Sustainable Transportation
University of Winnipeg

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