Thursday, February 25, 2010

Permanently close the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts?

As we've been saying for some time on this blog, traffic (whether transit, cars, or cycling) is like a gas and will expend to fill the resources provided. Well according to the Vancouver Sun, there has been a 30% reduction in vehicle traffic since the beginning of the Olympic Games. Roads have been closed and transit has increased, this makes total sense. There is now a request to study closing the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts and replacing them with local roads.
Coun. Geoff Meggs said the swarms of people walking, cycling and taking transit downtown during the Games is proof they can live without the viaducts, which he suggests should be knocked down and replaced with local traffic connector roads.

The city, which has agreed to study Meggs' proposal, is expected to issue a request for proposals after the Games, likely in April, he said.
Of course we will need improved transit, but sadly TransLink will be cutting services after the games.

At that time, the system will revert to its previous service levels, meaning West Coast Express will no longer run on weekends, the third SeaBus won't be in service and TransLink will retire the extra 180 buses that have been used to help ease overcrowding and waits.

Robertson said as transit service reverts to previous levels, "the case-building starts for more funding for TransLink."

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