Friday, January 22, 2010

Sustainability Open House - City of Langley

I received the following in my Inbox. Have a great weekend!
The City of Langley is developing a Sustainability Framework to define our long term sustainability destination.

Date: February 4th 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Place: Langley City Hall (concourse)
and Library
20399 Douglas Crescent

You are invited to help set the long term sustainability destination for the City by co-creating our community sustainability goals. A hands-on, enjoyable evening is planned to explore what sustainability means in the context of the City of Langley and to discuss specific and achievable long term goals. You will be asked to:

-Share community sustainability success stories
-Discuss sustainability issues facing our community
-Work to create specific, achievable community sustainability goals that will be used to guide future programs, plans, and initiatives

Local refreshments will be served.


Sustainability is about ensuring a high quality of life for all citizens. The challenge is to learn how to live within our collective global capacity. Every person, business and organization has a role to play. The City is committed to taking a leadership role in this challenge, but also needs our partners and residents to join in this commitment.

For Further Information and to RSVP Please Contact:
Roy Beddow, City of Langley

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