Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Industrial Future of Langley

Last fall the Township of Langley hosted an economic development forum. I recently listened to some of the presentations, and will share some of interesting bits of information in a moment.

But first, the Township of Langley commissioned an Employment Lands Study which came back to Township council last week. It said there is enough land in existing urban areas for the next 20 or so years. Anyways, back to the forum.

Site Economics Ltd. gave a very interesting presentation. The presenter talked about higher density, mixed-use commercial and residential developments and how this kind of development is the future for Langley. He also said that industrial buildings will need up their densities and become more “eco-friendly”. He noted that both good road access and good transit access will be needed to attract the kind of development the Township wants. There is good road access in Langley, but we are missing good transit access. The controversial Campbell Heights Industrial Area was noted as an example of poor planning. It has poor road access, no rail access, no transit access, and is isolated. He also noted that Gloucester Industrial Estates suffers from isolation. These areas will not be as successful as areas like Port Kells which has good road and rail access, and is close to residential areas. The 200th Street corridor will be a good area for higher density mixed-use, industrial, residential, and commercial development. He said that Langley’s main area of growth is going to be with industrial uses. It was pointed out that Langley has about one job per person, but that about 60% of people are still traveling outside of Langley for work.

Clearly the missing link needed for Langley is good transit.

Update: STANTEC gave the employment lands study presentation to the Township of Langley.

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