Tuesday, December 8, 2009

TOD in Willowbrook?

As reported on Langley Politics, I want to highlight a presentation by Aplin & Martin Consulting, on behalf of Berezan Management, on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Willowbrook. Joe Zaccaria, co-founder of SFOT, was at last night’s Township of Langley Council meet and saw the presentation. He was very excited about the possibility of this kind of development in Langley. This kind of development would further add to already strong case that rapid transit be brought into Langley. Also, this kind of development would allow us to try things out like a central heating district which would help reduce GHG emissions. If it was successful in Willowbrook, it could be rolled out to other areas in Langley. Getting TOD development is key to the sustainability of Langley and SFOT fully supports this kind of development.

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