Monday, December 14, 2009

Quick Update on Sustainability Forum

I hope everyone had a good weekend and is enjoying the snow. I thought I would give you a quick update on our January sustainability forum. We have confirmed that we will have special keynote speaker Councilor Carlotta Collette from Metro Portland. She will be speaking one “sustainability on the edge” in Portland and what successes and challenges Metro Portland has had in making their edge communities sustainable. You can read more about her on Metro’s website. We will also have staff from the Township of Langley on hand to answer any questions on sustainability in Langley, and have confirmed Councillor Jordan Bateman as the moderator for the event. We are also working on getting two other greater speakers for the forum, and I will post who once it is confirmed.

In the meantime, you should mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 12th starting at 7pm at the Township of Langley Hall. It is not very often an event like this happens in Langley.

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