Friday, November 27, 2009

Where we Shine in BC

This is the last post of my mini-series on the Statistics Canada report, "From Roads to Rinks: Government Spending on Infrastructure in Canada, 1961 to 2005". BC is the leader when it comes to government-owned capital as it relates to the environment. BC is also numbers two in recycling, just behind Nova Scotia. Local Government own 80% of environmental assets.

Some facts about Metro Vancouver.

-Metro Vancouver is spending close to $1 billion dollars to improve water quality with the Seymour-Capilano filtration project.

-Metro Vancouver is removing combined sewers in the region to eliminate raw sewage from overflowing into our rivers.

-Metro Vancouver has completed work on improving the efficiency of our wastewater treatment plants

-Metro Vancouver has a waste diversion rate of 55 percent that is far higher than most Canadian municipalities.

Anyway, I think we can be a little proud in BC on what we have done and continue to do on this front. Have a good weekend!

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