Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tom Prendergast Leaves TransLink

Well, it has been confirmed that Prendergast has left TransLink. There is a news release on the TransLink website:
Board Chair Dale Parker announced today that TransLink President Tom Prendergast will leave the organization to take the helm of North America’s largest subway and bus system, New York City Transit Authority.
According to the Surrey Leader, the Province's meddling in TransLink may have been one of the reasons he left.
Asked if [Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts] believes the conflict between the region and the provincial government over the future of TransLink was a factor, Watts said: "Tom, with the knowledge he had of transportation and the calibre of the work he brought to the table, I feel he probably wasn't fully appreciated by some."

SFU City Program director Gordon Price says the funding standoff with Victoria and now Prendergast's departure signals a "tragic" turning point for the region.

"As of this moment, our future is going to be auto-dependent," Price said. "The truckers have won."

He said he has no hope the province will now seriously come to the table.

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