Monday, September 14, 2009

Community Energy and Emissions Plan

The Township of Langley has been busy over the last number of years developing a sustainable community strategy. Last year, SFOT head from Township planners on the Sustainability Charter. The charter is the framework on which all Township policies and bylaws must conform to. The Township has recently completed their Corporate Greenhouse Gas Plan that focuses on reducing municipal operations’ emissions. They also launched an anti-idling campaign (those people in tents by railroad crossings.)

Anyway, now they are starting work on their Community Energy and Emissions Plan. The goal of this plan is to reduce GHG emissions in the community (buildings, transportation, solid waste and agriculture). Right now they are starting up a Stakeholder Advisory Committee which will have three meetings.
Meeting #1: To discuss opportunities and challenges in reducing GHG emissions in the community; identify short and long term goals for buildings, transportation, solid waste and agriculture energy use, supply and emissions.

Meeting #2: To set an emission reductions target.

Meeting #3: To review proposed policy tools and actions and refine the strategies and actions that will be included in the CEEP. To discuss the barriers to desired behaviours.
I know there have been some setbacks with GHG reduction because of the current provincial budget, but let’s hope that the Township of Langley is staying committed to building a sustainable community.

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