Monday, August 10, 2009

Transportation Safety Stats

I thought it would be interesting to note that public transit would appear to be the safest form of transportation. It is also interesting to see that bicycling is one of the more dangerous forms of transportation. I would assume it has to do with bike/car conflict. This is why I am such a strong supporter of separated bike lanes.

Deaths per billion journeys
Bus: 4.3
Rail: 20
Van: 20
Car: 40
Foot: 40
Water: 90
Air: 117
Bicycle: 170
Motorcycle: 1640

Deaths per billion hours

Bus: 11.1
Rail: 30
Air: 30.8
Water: 50
Van: 60
Car: 130
Foot: 220
Bicycle: 550
Motorcycle: 4840

Deaths per billion kilometres
Air: 0.05
Bus: 0.4
Rail: 0.6
Van: 1.2
Water: 2.6
Car: 3.1
Bicycle: 44.6
Foot: 54.2
Motorcycle: 108.9

Source: INFORMED SOURCES October 2000: Risk, perception and the cold numbers

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