Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The ALC - Round 2

So today, I've sent out another letter to the Agricultural Land Commission requesting a fee waiver under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. You can see the text of the letter below. They will have 20 days to reply to this request. I'm very frustrated with the whole process. This information should be freely available, and it shows a lack of transparency on the part of the ALC. What's going on? The fact that I was told via email that they would not provide by-municipality ALR data, yet I was able to get that basic information via my Freedom of Information Request, speaks volumes...
August 18, 2009

Information and Privacy Director
Provincial Agricultural Land Commission
133 – 4940 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 4K6

Dear Information and Privacy Director:

Re: Freedom of Information Request – ALR Decision Minutes and Land Area. Reference Number #292-30/2009-7

I have received your letter responding to my Freedom of Information request on August 17th, 2009.

Under the B.C. Freedom and Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I am requesting a fee waiver for the following records:

“Allow as Requested” and “Allow with Conditions” Minutes of Resolution/Commission Decisions on applications filed with the ALC between 2000 and 2005 within the Greater Vancouver Regional District.

These records are a matter of public interest as it relates to the environment. These records are also, essentially, the meeting minutes of a public body and therefore should be freely accessible. As an example, one can view council minutes online from at least 1992 for the City of Surrey, Township of Langley, and the Corporation of Delta. Also, the BC Utilities Commission allows for record searches back to 1974, and will provide one copy of each record free of charge.

Sincerely yours,

Nathan Pachal, CTech
South Fraser OnTrax

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