Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is going on at the ALC

For those of you that are following, I've been having a hard time getting information about ALR in the South Fraser. The Agricultural Land Commission would not give me any information, forcing me to send in a Freedom of Information Request last week. I also contacted our local governments. I do have to say that Surrey has the most information on the ALR and farming in general online, so hats of to Surrey. I'm very disappointed with Delta. They ignored my emails and have their farming plan only available for viewing at their municipal hall. Very odd for a community that bills itself as farming central. The Township of Langley has good information online as well. The ALC website has this to say about the Township's Rural Plan.
In July 1993 the Council of the Township of Langley adopted the Langley Rural Plan. The Plan was a breakthrough document. Compared to other land use plans, the Langley Rural Plan was far more responsive to agricultural issues. At several points the plan was extremely innovative and its contents, goals, objectives and policies, as a package, were far more comprehensive than any other official planning document applied to the ALR up to that time.
Anyway, the ALC refusal to provide me information seems a bit fishy to me; the following email from the City of Surrey adding to that smell:
I had forwarded your email to our GIS & Demographics person... He followed up with me to let me know that we do not track this information directly, we get it from the Commission, since they make the ultimate decision on exclusions. They provide this information to all Municipalities, so he suggested that you contact them directly.

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