Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Exciting New Website

Corey Newcomb is a young planner with the Fraser Valley Regional District. Corey and a team at the FVRD have been busy producing this excellent website with a graphic statistical presentation on life in the Fraser Valley. 

The Regional Snapshot Series is excellent and the first snapshot produced is on transportation. More will be coming on land use and various community aspects of life. I wanted to post up on the blog here every graphic from the transportation report. I've held myself back and included a small sampling. You can view the remainder by clicking on the Commuting and Places of Work link here. Keep in mind that some data is still from the 2004 Translink Trip Diary and it will be very interesting to see the new data that should be out within the next year or so.

Here is some interesting info from the 2006 Census. It shows that Township of Langley commuters travel only about 12 kilometres to their work.

Enjoy the new site and feel free to post your comments here to encourage Corey and the FVRD team to provide more of this GREAT stuff.

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