Tuesday, April 21, 2009

News Update

I thought I would start the morning out my having a look at a study that is happening in the Victoria Region. Last year I blogged about the E & N rail and how there is an effort to revitalized that line. Anyway, BC Transit is now studying this line and other options in something that is called “Victoria Regional Rapid Transit.
The January 2008 release of the Provincial Transit Plan promoting the expansion of reliable rapid transit in British Columbia provided the opportunity to embark on a more detailed study of rapid transit network options. The Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Project (VRRTP) is intended to develop recommendations for a rapid link between Victoria and the West Shore in a better defined context.
On the topic of transit studies, the Abbotsford News has an opinion piece called “Get on with rapid transit:
Ultimately, however, it is difficult to imagine a future in which light rail does not play a role in the Valley’s transit picture.

Considering that commuting and traffic congestion has been a key regional issue for at least a decade, the study and planning work is long overdue.

Let’s get on with a rapid transit plan.
Finally, it looks like the Seattle Region is getting smart cards (I have a feeling we might be getting the same system.) They started the trial of the system yesterday. I makes since for Seattle because they will be providing a common fare collection system for seven different transit agencies.

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