Thursday, April 23, 2009

Election Series – Part Two

Today we will be hearing from Langley Green Party Candidate Ron Abgrall. I posted part one of this series yesterday.

What will your government do to promote sustainable community design?
What will your government do to get light rail and other forms of alternative transportation built in the South of Fraser?

I do have a thought about how transit should work in a community.As an automotive technician, for almost 30 years, I have seen the old roads deteriorate and new roads branch off them. I think inter urban transit is the best way to move people about within there community. Im not sure that a rail system will help reduce the congestion on the roads, as proposed in Langley. It may be that we have to think outside the box, and look at an elevated network that by-pass the road net work.

I want you to know that I would workwith those involved to make a cleaner more accessible community, in witch we could get out of our cars and enjoy the out doors. More roads, more bridges, means more cars. Cars are good but bad for the environment, lets learn to park them more and live and work in our own community.

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