Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Public Transportation for British Columbia to cut down on clogged roads and road rage

I have, as have the majority of people I have talked to, longed for better public transportation for a number of years.

It costs around $4,000 to $6,000 (based on 24,000km) a year to operate a vehicle according to a BCAA study. This does not include lease, insurance, or finance payments. Some couples with young children have to spend a fortune to keep up with all the activities of their young family and the necessities of life.

We need Public Transportation that is Affordable, Sustainable, Reliable, (even when it snows) and Safe. It would be great if this Public Transportation could be Interurban going past Universities, Airports, Shopping Centers, Work Places and needless to say be close to Homes. Then we would have a choice in transportation most of the time. We would also be cutting down on air pollution and be less stressed out when going from one place to another.

The best Public Transportation has already been suggested by a great number of people and that is Light, Modern, Interurban, Passenger Rail. Instead of spending Billions for SkyTrain and having to spend Billions more on more roads and Bridges, Passenger Rail Would be in the Millions. Yes we would need a few more roads and Bridges but not as many and we would cut down on road rage and clogged roads.

From experience I learned that if you do things in the same way all the time you will more than likely get the same results. Again needless to say Passenger Rail would be great for the South Fraser Valley.

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