Monday, January 12, 2009

Music at SkyTrain Platforms

This came in my email...

Results indicate that most SkyTrain riders are in favour of music being played at SkyTrain stations for a trial program in which either seasonal music or general softer music, or both, would be played over station speakers on the SkyTrain Platforms (but not inside SkyTrain cars). The most preferred types of music are Classical, Traditional Christian Seasonal music and Soft Rock. Other preferred types of music include Rhythm and Blues, Blues, and Jazz.
I got to say, I heard this during the Christmas season and it was a bit weird. People were trying to figure out where the music was coming from. Sadly, I’m in the minority but my demographic (under +35) preferred to have no music at SkyTrain platforms more so than the older folks.

Find out more.


  1. odd how our demographic would even care since most of them have headphones on anyway...

  2. There's really enough noise as is. You can't please everybody and I'm sure it would just annoy people to whose taste it doesn't appeal. Personally if they just blasted CFOX all day I'd be fairly satisfied but that's just me! Besides, how long are we really at stations? A maximum of 8 minutes unless it's rush hour, or in rare circumstances, or when meeting a friend? If you want music, bring music.


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