Thursday, January 22, 2009

Code of Ethics

I just wanted to let you know that South Fraser OnTrax has now posted a Code of Ethics to our Document Archive. You can download a copy from that site. The Code of Ethics came as a result of the many grant applications that we have been written lately. To give you an idea of the exciting things we have planned:

In the City of Langley
-A series of design charrettes and educational workshops about making the single-family home areas of Langley City more sustainable. We are still working out the details, but it will include thinks like making homes more energy efficient to infill redevelopment ideas.

In the Township of Langley
-An educational workshop on sustainable practices including urban village and transit connection educational and hands-on application of the principles through table top exercises.

-We are still working out the details with the Township of Langley, but we have been given the opportunity by Township Council to work with Township Staff (and the public) to revision a part of Aldergrove (non-binding). We will have more details shortly, but this event will probably be the highlight of the year for us as South Fraser OnTrax.

Now just cross your fingers and hope we get funding. :-)

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